Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why Mississippi segregated the dances

“Prom Night in Mississippi” premiered at Sundance this week. It’s a film about a Mississippi high school's first integrated dance. Little background. Federal courts forced schools in Charleston, Mississippi, to desegregate in 1970, but some silly redneck realized that the proms didn’t have to merge and used the loophole to keep them segregated (even though the student’s did everything else together). Morgan Freeman, a native to the area, even promised to foot the bill if they ever had an integrated prom but they still didn’t until last year. Filmmaker Paul Saltzman moved into the town to document the preparations and interviewed people to find out why they kept the prom segregated. People said things such as blacks were too violent and were into drug use and other bullshit. What they shoulda said is that they didn’t want their daughters gettin fucked. Because that’s what woulda happened. I know I wouldn’t want my white daughter around some black men…it would be a wrap. Not to say that she couldn’t get fucked by white guys at her prom, but it would be highly unlikely. They would have to be star athletes at the school which wouldn’t be possible since the athletics is integrated and the most popular ones would be the black ones (the token white quarterback prolly already has his cheerleader and is off the market and linemen never get love). So who has a better chance of scoring with my daughter? The smooth talkin, forbidden fruit Tyshaun or Bobby Jo who she’s watched pick his nose/scratched his ass/adjusted his balls numerous times? Just be real Mississippi, just be real.

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