Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration 2009: The Man of the Hour(s)

Why did the announcer say “Barack H. Obama?” Like we don’t know what his Taliban ass middle name is. My nigga was SUPPPPER nervous. I really thought he was gonna faint. I’ve never seen him stumble over his words, lol, but I’m happy he made it through. Ah wait, video sets the record straight:

It wasn’t Barack's fault at all, I knew he was too cool to mess up. The white man already tryin to take him down, lmao. He was prolly more nervous “I’m swearin in a BLACK guy?” Very proud moment in American history. I’ve always been glad (and proud) to be an American, but now I also feel safe. Kinda ironic since all Bush talked about was how “safe” he kept America. And that’s the last time I’ll mention the white devil’s name. And while it may be early, I already got the campaign slogan for ’12: Once you go Barack, you never go back. COPYRIGHT.

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