Thursday, September 18, 2008

I don't make it rain, I just provide an overcast with a chance of rain

Trickin if you got it. So the new recurring theme in hip hop is “It’ ain’t trickin if you got it”. For my readers that aren’t up on the slang, trickin on a girl is when you spend a lot of money on a girl (usually a girl that isn’t your long term girlfriend or wife). Almost everyone’s single has that line in one form or another. Well, it fuckin sucks for the common man like me. I mean, how much do you think a blogger makes a year? All I get is an invoice from Google’s AdSense for NOT ENOUGH clicks. They charge me for everyday I use their service and nobody clicks. I’m like $81 billion in debt…the government is thinkin about bailing me out but then they gonna start writing this shit. You reap what you sow muthafuckas, but back to the topic at hand. It was all good back in the days when guys ain’t really spend money on girls. It was easier to make the little things count. Now my 3 former playboy bunnies have moved back to the mansion because “at least Hugh takes them to Olive Garden.” This wasn’t Holly or the other 2. Hell, these weren’t even centerfolds. These were third string bitches, telling me they out cuz I keep takin them to McDonalds. I AIN’T GOT IT, SO IT’S TRICKIN AND I AIN’T HARRY HOUDINI! The last time we had an epidemic like this was back in the shiny suit days, when Ma$e and Puff made it cool to be flashy. But then came along a man with his dog who made it cool to be grimey. So hopefully the next new rapper will keep it hood again.

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