Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fashion mishap

I ain’t gonna yell, or cuss, or do any of the usual. I just want someone to explain to me American Apparel’s Afrika line. First problem, the patterns. Zig Zags? Isn’t that the cliché African pattern? Like niggas only see in zig zag. Muthafuckas don’t see plaid or dots, or checkers in Africa huh? Zebra, the only fuckin animal in Africa. I wish these “designers” would go to Africa for a year and come back inspired. Make a Hyena designed shirt. Or really impress me with a gazelle themed dressed. I could make one; just wait till next year lol. Second issue, the models. Not one of those bitches on the website look like they are from Africa. They don’t even look Egyptian. Hell, they don’t even look South African!!! The worse offense is the main promo ad they are running. They coulda at least took this bitch to a tanning salon before stickin her bright ass in my face (she does have some nice fabric softeners tho). I think that’s why the patterns are so offensive, is because you have this terrible contrast. 3rd violation, since when is a collection 2 designs over 4 pieces? What kinda lazy horse shit is that? Did someone pull up a scrapbook from their trip to Africa and say, “Hm, maybe we could get designs from the 3 pictures that I took”. Worthless.

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