Monday, November 17, 2008


It was a hot weekend for So. Cal and a bit too hot for some families. We had our winter fires (yea, only on the west coast) this past weekend. Actually, authorities believe that 1 of the 3 fires was caused by an arsonist. Which is really sicken and pathetic. I mean, we go through this shit every year. The winds kick up and the weather gets hot and we get natural brush fires started up. Then some fuckin pyromaniac gets his nut off by startin one of their own fires, burning down people’s homes and putting lives at risks. I think the punishment for starting fires should be reflective by the amount of damage caused with death being a penalty too. Maybe that will get some of these people to think twice, because the investigators ALWAYS find out if the fire was manmade. Up in Santa Barbara, multimillion dollar homes were just eaten up. I don’t know of any celebrities that were put out of their homes, but it would be hilarious if the Neverland Ranch got torched. Right after Jackson sells it, up in flames it goes lol. The flames then started again about 10-15 miles from where I live so all I smell is cinders in the air. The sky looks cool tho when the smoke affects the sunset, but my prayers go out to those who are in a real predicament right now.

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