Monday, November 17, 2008

Pregnant Man, preggers again

I’m not gonna judge, I’m not gonna judge, I’m not gonna judge, I’m not..fuck this. What kinda malarkey is this horse shit? The pregnant man is pregnant again? Disgusting. He/She is already fuckin up one child’s life, now it wants to fuck up another’s? And I know I may be a bit harsh, because the unconditional love from a mother/father may get this child through any perils in life. But then I think I’m being realistic when I say, what kind of parent tries to make life harder on a child? For those that don’t know about the he/she, this girl decided that she was really a man. So she got a sex change, but not a complete one because it kept the reproductive system intact. Then decided to get married to a woman (a butch lookin one) and instead of getting her pregnant, it get itself pregnant and had the baby. I guess you can watch the video below.

I guess what really bothers me is self mutilation, and before the Hypocrite police come to arrest me, let me defend myself. I know I ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ over these celebrities with botox lips and silicon breast but that’s just fun to look at. I highly (like 98%) doubt I’d marry someone that has undergone cosmetic surgery because to me it shows a lack of self esteem (unless it was for like something serious, you lost your tits to breast cancer or your face had acid dumped on it by a crazy husband, shit like that). Work with what God gave you. This thing decided that it wanted to pull a switch-a-roo but still wanted to be selfish and not do a complete one. Like you don’t wanna be a girl but you wanna give birth? Come the fuck on. You are nothing else but a fuckin sicko.


  1. this is def a rant cause youre making no sense. didnt he only get pregnant cause his wife couldnt? and the only reason their childrens lives would be more difficult is cause people like you are too ignorant to accept anything out of the norm.

    self mutilation? you have a tattoo sprawled across your back! and do you really think selma hyack has never had a cosmetic procedure done? get fuckin real.

    you just choose when its applicable to be a righteous judgemental douche bag

    "work with what god gave you..." blah, blah, blah. now if he stayed a woman and committed suicide, you would be the first hypocrite to applaud and rant something like "theres so many things in life to be happy about and your dumb ass kills yourself, well more oxygen for me" but he actually did something about his depression that actually makes him happy and you STILL complain.

    as long as you dont fuck with my chi, you can do whatever you want to yourself.

    get off the pulpit you fuckin tool

  2. Ok I find a couple things wrong with YOUR rant dear sampson..1st I did some research (so I could sound as intelligent as you)yes his wife had a hysterectomy but she also had TWO kids from a previous I would assume she was intelligent enough to make such a bold decision as to know she didnt want kids again (maybe she had uterine cancer? but I didnt read that)and YET her and her "husband" decide to have kids (not by adoption...which is just as efficient...not by having a surrogate carry Beatie's harvested eggs) but by having him put on a show for the media..I thought the reason for sex change was because he didn't feel girly...well whats more girlier than carrying a baby for 9 months and being in labor for 40+ hours!?? Being a mother myself...being pregnant was probably one of the longest times I wished of being a man!! (no lol) OHH but they wanted a biological link to the child you say..well buying donor sperm off the internet would only make the child biological to the Beatie so don't really get the point.

    2nd. I in no way shape or form frown upon a gay couple..transgender couple..whatever couple RAISING a child because I have taken psychology classes and I know it has no MAJOR effect. However, the birds and the bees story is now fucked up to a WHOLE different level when mom has to tell the kid 'daddy had them.. (How?) because he used to be a mommy' Thats just too much confusion unless they either lie...or wait til they get older (like 21) to understand...I still smell resentment

    3rd. I wouldnt compare a tattoo w/self-mutilation because you don't need surgery for it(or to be in THAT much pain) and the side effects do not include death...unless you go to a dirty parlor get infected with a dirty needle and die. Needless to say chances are still slim

    Sorry this is so long but I felt the need to defend because as much as I DONT have a problem with her changing to him..I do feel a sense of selfishness and notoriety in this situation. I mean they could've went about this they said in the video ppl would have seen it as a man w/ a really big beer belly...I see tons of guys in whom I think are pregnant but they're not..

    p.s. and next time try not to be so remind me of that boy on youtube that was screaming for ppl to "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!" smh
