Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I used to call Twitter useless. I kinda stand behind that statement still…but more in the shadows than actually behind it. I think my problem with Twitter was how people were using it, which was giving everyone their own reality TV show. Sickening. Why would I care what you did this morning when you woke up, in the bathroom, in the shower, out the shower, out the bathroom, in the bedroom, in the closet, out the closet, out the bedroom, down the stairs, in the kitchen, in the fridge, out the fridge, out the kitchen, out the house, to your car, in your car, out the driveway, and all the other shit you did before YOU STARTED YOUR DAY! But just like any tool, some people have found good uses for it. Brokers twitter about the market. Kidnap victims twitter about their whereabouts. And celebrities twitter to keep themselves relevant. Oh wait, scratch the last one. I mean why doesn’t Ashton do somethin useful like model clothes? We know he can’t act for shit. He has a hard enough time playin the role of rich white boy as it is. So Ashton twitters instead of gettin a job. And Twitter added video…oh vey!

Like seriously, who cares? I use Twitter to get more people to follow me and hopefully start visiting this site since you all are too lazy to help me promote. I mean seriously, 11 members on the Facebook page? The Neo Nazi/KKK/Hater’s Ball group has more members than me. Where was I? Oh yea, Ashton, get a real fuckin job. Do somethin to make the world a better place.

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