Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good Luck Chuck

Lol, so readin this article written by a chick about how her relationships end with guys finding another girl. She was pretty much sayin that guys break up and move on before her heart can finish breakin. Granted she’s (finally) takin it in stride and has a light hearted approach to the article, it still stumps me how she thinks that nothin is wrong with her. She thinks it’s just fate or destiny or she is meant to help guys find their true loves by dating them first. Why didn’t she blame her pussy? Or somethin along those lines. Why didn’t she say, what am I doin wrong that makes guys hop on another chick with the quickness? Why didn’t she admit to havin the Aniston syndrome, which is basically just bein an overhyped, self-inflated, REGULAR girl? I mean I don’t know the author personally, so maybe she is mad humble. But I see this issue mainly with egotistical people who can’t keep a relationship. It’s never them, it’s you. Is it just that part in human nature to blame others before blaming yourself?

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