Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The end of an age

Just watched Zeitgeist on YouTube. Oh my God (if He even exists lol). Never been a big fan of the Bible due to sole reason that Jesus never had a book in the New Testament (well, it was the number 1 reason of many). How could a person who has done such incredible things, not have a journal or a diary that has been found? Wellllll considering that the story of Jesus has been told MULTIPLE times in different religions, I understand why it doesn’t exist. But the movie breaks down religion, the 9-11 attacks, and the truth about money. Now the religion part was hard to swallow, but it was very thought provoking. The 9-11 attacks and the truth about money, I whole heartedly believe. Considerin the history of America and the evil that lies in the heart of men, I know that there are a few people who really hold the power in this country (fuck the government, they’re all just puppets too) and they are BENT on world domination. I guess it’s time to start freedom fightin. I was hoping to start after I accumulated enough wealth (or until I saw the new Terminator movie), but when it’s time – it’s time. Man I wish I could live till the end of time just to see how everything pans out. Where are my cyborg implants????

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