Thursday, October 30, 2008

The name is Tenant, The Tenant

It’s almost November so that can mean one thing. The slowest Black Friday in history? Probably. Increased turkey consumption? Yes, but not what I’m lookin for. A new Jay-Z album? Maybe, does anyone have any info if that’s true? A new Bond movie? YES! Quantum Solace drops next month and as James Bond fan (who owns the entire collection, even the made for TV one and original Casino Royale (I know) ) I am eagerly hyped for this film. Well, I was. Because I remembered, I don’t like the direction the Bond films are going. First off, a sequel? Since when did Bond not complete a mission in one movie? No gadgets? Commmmmmmmmmmme on, that really kills me. Rough around the edges, no suaveness to him. Seriously, the only reason the last movie did so well was because IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE. It was a TERRIBLE Bond movie, but it was a good movie. I felt more like I was watchin a movie in which the name of the main character was James Bond, instead of watchin a Bond movie. Think about it. The main character coulda been Peter Parker and the movie will still have kicked ass. I’m still gonna see the movie, but I’m still pissed Craig is signed on to do 4 more movies. Enough of this early days Bond shit. Bring back Q, bring back the cocky and funny bastard that I wanted to grow up to be.

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