Thursday, May 21, 2009

Time to raise taxes says State governments

The terrible economy has forced states to choose the final and most dreadful option for raising revenue: raising taxes. Many states have already raised taxes in forms of cigarette and sales tax, but now it’s time to hit the income taxes. I knew this was comin because that was McCain driving point against Obama (besides his other point which was that Barack was a black Muslim). And you know what I wanna know? I wanna know if we elected McCain, what would he have done to make sure taxes didn’t get raised? First off, I don’t think he woulda saved the economy from collapsing. I’m pretty sure a Republican President and a Democratic Congress would have failed this country miserably. But let’s just assume McCain was President. How would he explain the taxes STILL bein raised even when he promised not to? Would he scapegoat and say that technically he’s not raising the taxes, but the states are? I hate payin taxes, like I’ve said before, but if it means maintaining the standard of living that I have in the U.S then so be it. After they raise the taxes, I want everyone fired for mishandling the budget. It’s not like they just ran outta money last year. These states have been in the red for YEEEARS. I know California couldn’t balance a budget with a triple beam scale. Stupid monkey muthafuckas are runnin the show it seems. Tired of this shit. Time for a new election.


  1. that's the smartest idea I've read on the RANT yet... we really do need to fire the government!

    before this administration took office, eliminating federal income tax would mean a 40% reduction in federal funding, the last time the government was 40% smaller was in 1999 (under slick willie).

    Imagine what you could do with an extra 28-30% of YOUR income, no need for federal programs to 'stimulate' the economy, we could handle it ourselves.

  2. yeah, and cyber terrorism and regular terrorism was at a low. There was no push to cut our oil dependency. Protecting the environment wasn't as big of a deal.

    you just have to accept that with the country growing so does the government. when i said fire them, i meant get rid of the people in place not get rid of the positions

  3. the decision to raise the state income tax has nothing to do with the president ... nothing

    if anything they would have had to raise them more cause mccain wanted to cut out every single earmark that these states rely ... then there would have been even less people workin and less income to tax which equals even less revenue

  4. the country has grown less than 7% since 2000, any reason our budget has grown by 100%?

    2000 Census: 287,000,000 people
    2000 Federal Budget: $1.8T

    2010 Estimate: 300,000,000 people
    2010 Proposed Budget: $3.6T


  5. because technology has made the world smaller. 2000 didn't have a tech bubble burst so there was no revamp of the SEC.2000 didn't have a housing bubble burst. 2000 didn't have one of the largest terrorist attack on US soil. A lot has changed in 10 years.

  6. on a daily basis, do you feel you recieve twice as much from the government as you did 10 years ago?

    Are the courts twice as just? Are your laws twice as fair? Do you feel twice as safe from foreign attacks?

  7. Mannnnnnnnn, 10 years ago I wasn't receiving shit because I was a little whipper snapper. That's a discussion for the older folks to have.
