Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor nominated to be first Latina Justice

I feel I must mention this for the sake of relevancy, but I don’t really have an opinion on it. President BO (hahahaha, cuz he’s doin a stinky job) has nominated Sonia Sotomayor to be a Justice on the SC (that’s Supreme Court). I don’t really know much about her but from what I read she is more pro-choice (funny because aren’t most Puerto Ricans Catholic?) and she doesn’t really have a standin issue against gays. She’s favored by both parties. And she’s a joy to be around. Of course I know if I wanted to get some dirt all I would have to do is turn to the Republican station. Accordin to Rush [Limbaugh], Sonia is a “reverse racist” because she made a statement during her speech at Berkley saying that a wise and experienced Latina could make better conclusions than a white man who hasn’t had the same experiences. Ummm, DUH! That could be said about anybody about anythin. If you haven’t lived the life then you’re conclusions are not as accurate as a person who has. That’s why I don’t know why middle class white people who have never lived in the inner city or befriended anyone in the inner city or worked with people (community service) that lived in the inner city, try to make decisions for inner city citizens. You’ve lived a bubble your whole life, stay there. It’s safer (as you have been falsely led to believe). Anyways, that’s Rush. Michael Steele, being the coon that he is, pretty much said “I will not say anything bad about her because I want Latinos to think I like them.” Fagot.


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