Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Boy gets to live as a girl

You don’t have to watch all of this, just get the gist:

Not gonna lie, I’m kinda weirded out by this. I mean most cross dressers and transgender have claimed to always felt like they were in the wrong body at a very young age. My question is has our society gotten that comfortable that parents are more accepting of it (which makes kids more open about it) or is the food (and the other environmental variables) startin to fuck up our hormones and creating more and more chemically imbalanced children? I truly don’t know. I hope someone does some research on it and figures this out because I think life is gonna suck for that kid if the latter theory is correct. If our society isn’t becomin more receptive then that child is gonna go through a lot of torment and anguish and while it’s nice that the parents are tryin to protect him/her I don’t think it’s enough. I would be on some old school shit and try to make the child believe that they were the right sex. I know it ain’t right, it’s probably a terrible short term fix, but I can’t protect them at school. I need them to survive into late teens and then maybe we can figure out another solution for them. Damn, that’s wack I don’t have a decent solution.

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