Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Michael Steele wants to move on

Michael Steele gave a speech yesterday sayin that the era of Republicans apologizing is over. Ummmm, did I miss the memo? Wait wait, let me check through my memos. “Authorize invasion of a country during peacetime”, yeah got that memo. “Authorize conduct for dehumanizing forms of interrogation”, yeah got that one too. “Authorize funds to ensure friends have enough money to fly to St. Tropez for vacation”. Yep, got that memo. Hmmm. Nope, can’t seem to find the memo that states apologize to the American public for the collapse of a country. Did they write that memo in invisible ink? Exactly what are the dates that the Republicans started and ended the apologies? Hell, I even got the memo that states “blast current administration on everything they do wrong, never give credit on what they do right. And if you aren’t sure if it’s right or wrong, err on the side of wrong.” But I’m still waitin on my fuckin apology from the GOP.

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