Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gotta love Capitalism

You know what really bothers about this whole AIG fiasco? Well besides the fact we already knew they were squandering the bailout money with vacations and retreats and the recent news of the bonuses they’ve paid out, it’s the fact that proponents of capitalism aren’t comin to their defense. It’s like the case of when somethin good happens, religious people say “It was God’s will” but when somethin bad happens God had nothing to do with it. Huh? Stick by your guns and be willin admit when somethin is failing. And for my first time visitors, I’m no commie. I’m not a Socialist; I just have Socialist-like tendencies. And I fully blame Capitalism for the mess we are in. Because with Capitalism, there is no cap on how much money you can earn in a society as long as it “ethically” correct. But let’s be honest, the more money you have, the less ethical you can be. Small towns have been exposed to poisonous wastes, homeowners have been bamboozled, and people have watched their investments vanish into thin air. That’s because it’s all about makin the most money you can, who cares who you take advantage of. I’ve always said if you wanna get rich in America just cater to the dumb and/or lazy. I think we need more Eastern philosophies in our lives. Asian cultures are (or used to be) big on harmony and balance. Yin Yang. I don’t think we should abandon Capitalism; I still wanna make a huge amount of money some day. But I definitely think it should be balanced out with some socialist ideals. I think people should HAVE to help improve the roads they drive on, the schools they send their kids to, and the health care provided to the general public. That’s why I’m a fan of the stimulus package. Whether it’s executed on a state or federal level doesn’t matter to me, but I will say this. Implementing a stimulus package on a federal level allows for more transparency of how the funds are bein allocated and ensures (I use that word very cautiously) that there is a fair balance. And I know my favorite commentator is probably cringing because they are COMPLETELY AGAINST a big government. But like I’ve tried explaining before, we are a bigger country. The government has to run the country like a business and any successful business model will tell you that before you can increase productivity you have to increase the man power. The government is goin to continue to grow as long as the country does. It’s all part of the balance.

Update: Ok, this is creepy. I PROMISE you I wrote this early in the day before President Obama’s speech:

Maybe I should run the country.

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